How to run an SSIS package with Excel data source or destination in 64-bit environment?
I had actually a few different types of challenges in deploying the package to the production server from development environment. It took me a while to find out a solution to these, so I thought that it might be helpful for others struggling with the same issues to write out a small blog post
My first touch to Power BI connected to Dynamics CRM
Some time ago we agreed with one of our customers that we will discontinue implementing the CRM reporting using the good old SSRS. We started looking for modern data analyzing and reporting tools out there. A few reasons led us to familiarize ourselves with the Microsoft Power BI. One of the reasons was that it looked quite simple to combine data from several different types of data sources and present the data in modern reporting view.
Tech driven CLOUD 9 blog is here – The Story behind us
Storytelling is a big part of today’s life. When somebody has good story telling skills, she gets people around her inspired. Inspiration into the things we do, spending time within the things we find fascinating. That’s what this blog is all about. Storytelling about things.