Best practices to manage SharePoint Permissions
All your docs are residing in the cloud, well protected with dozens of security systems. Maybe overprotected? Have you ever tried to share one of the confidential document to your colleague?

Dynamics CRM front-end server deployment to replace corrupted server
This blog post is about remote configuration of settings in Windows server environment related to the Dynamics CRM front-end server installation.

How to run an SSIS package with Excel data source or destination in 64-bit environment?
I had actually a few different types of challenges in deploying the package to the production server from development environment. It took me a while to find out a solution to these, so I thought that it might be helpful for others struggling with the same issues to write out a small blog post

Platform Economy is not only the Game of Big Players
Once again, the room is packed as #digitalist gathered in downtown…

Kilpailukyvyn kulmakivet
Suomessa tehty kilpailukykysopimus kannusti kasvattamaan työtuntien määrää. Uskoakseni kuitenkin varsin suuri osa yrityksistä päätti hyödyntää sopimusta ennen kaikkea työtunnin tuottavuutta parantavilla tavoilla. Entä mihin tuottavampien työtuntien salaisuus tiivistyy?