Tag Archive for: sharepoint @en
Don’t Just Search – Office Delve Delivers Relevant Information to You
Microsoft published Delve as part of the Office 365 package in September. By spring 2015, also those organizations that are not using the Office First Release option will have it in use. Now is the perfect time to get to know what Delve is all about.
Make Team Management Easier With SharePoint Team Sites
In a volunteer-based non-profit, it’s not possible to demand as strong and time-consuming commitment from the chairperson as would be the case in paid work. I already revealed in my earlier blog post that we’re now using SharePoint team sites to make our work easier and remove some of the management burden. Thanks to donation from Microsoft, we can even use SharePoint for free. In her blog post Anna told about her experiences in leading volunteers. I will now give a few concrete examples of how SharePoint team sites can benefit your association.
SharePoint Team Sites Fit Every Situation
It's so normal for me to use SharePoint that when I start in any team or project I have a need to get SharePoint workspace into use. My favorite child in business world is the workspace that I designed for managing trainings.
SharePoint Concept Based on Habit One of the Finalists at the European SharePoint Community Awards
Cloudriven's trusted partner and one of the best SharePoint experts in Europe, Peaches Industries, is among the finalists of the European SharePoint Community Awards. The Gravity concept by Peaches is nominated in the Best Social Strategy category. Gravity is based on Cloudriven's gamified Habit solution.
Only Used Information Systems Are Productive
In order to make the information system as useful as possible and into active use, one must take into consideration the different motivation factors of different user types. This has to be done both when taking the system into use and when the system is in production use. With the help of different game elements the use of, for example, intranet can be merged into a motivating and meaningful part of user's every-day work tasks.