Gamification Expert Juhani Vuoti Joined Cloudriven
Mr. Juhani Vuoti, Bachelor in Media Engineering and Bachelor of Theology, has joined Cloudriven’s rock-solid team of experts on September 15th. Juhani will be in charge of Cloudriven’s consulting services regarding gamification, eLearning and competency development.
Juhani is an experienced gamification professional: he did his Master’s Thesis on the gamification of cognitive psychotherapy and he writes a gamification-related blog called Before joining Cloudriven, Juhani has worked as a web communications specialist at the Finnish Lutheran Church.
Juhani Vuoti, Consultant, Gamification Expert
“I want to make the world a better and more equal place, so that everyone would have the same opportunities to be successful and happy.”
- Lives in Merihaka, Helsinki which is “the ugliest, yet the most pleasant neighborhood in Helsinki”
- Passionate about music, astronomy, city planning and human rights
- Favorite color is dark green and favorite food creamy salmon soup with rye bread
Let’s Connect!
Juhani Vuoti // // +358 44 3607972 // @gamifyblog // LinkedIn