Entries by Cloudriven

Platform Economy is not only the Game of Big Players

Once again, the room is packed as #digitalist gathered in downtown Helsinki to learn about the revolution of digitalization. For the first time, session´s primary language was English although much of the attention still concentrated to the home grounds of the movement. As Finns are known to be engineer-minded gadget-loving people, it is only natural […]

My trip to Joensuu-Jukola with Cloudriven Team

Cloudriven guys asked me to join their Jukola relay team this year. Jukola is an orienteering relay event that happens once a year somewhere in Finland. The place changes every year and it is one of the biggest summer events that there is in Finland. I decided to give this a try.

Cloudriven Yet Again One of the Top Performers in Finland

The biggest financial newspaper in Finland, Kauppalehti has given Cloudriven a certificate for successful business performance for the second year in a row. This recognition is given to a company that understands customers’ needs and has a competent management team, dedicated employees and efficient processes.

Sales Director Aleksi Lehtola Joins Cloudriven

Mr. Aleksi Lehtola, B.Sc in Marketing, Management, and International Business, has been appointed as the Sales Director of Cloudriven on May 11. Aleksi has a strong background in sales and marketing and he has conducted his studies in the University of Oulu and IESEG School of Management in Lille, France.